Herbs and crystals with their corresponding meaning to the craft.

Herbs: There are so many herbs out there that have different properties, as well as herbs that can be inter-changeable, so if you don't have one herb that you think you need perhaps you have another one that will work just as well. Below is a simple list of herbs to start.

Basil: Astral travel, love, banishing, wealth, protection

Cedar: Healing, money, protection

Cinnamon Stick: Spirituality, success, healing, psychic powers, protection, love and money

Cloves: Protection, exorcism, love, money

Lavender: Love, protection, sleep, longevity, purification, happiness

Mint Sprig: Money, healing, travel, protection, banishing

Rosemary:  Love, protection, mental powers, banishing, purification, healing, sleep, youth

Crystals: Besides their healing properties, they can also be used to help when performing a ritual or to help strengthen a spell. They are also good to carry on your person depending on what you are looking for. This a a very basic list of their uses, if you want more information you can ask me or google.

Blue Kyanite: Stimulates communication and psychic awareness on all levels, has a calming effect to the whole being.

Yellow Citrine: Stone of success, money, abundance, prosperity, raises, self esteem, good luck for business projects.

Rose Quartz: Love stone, helps open the heart for true love and friendship, nurturing comforting energy, brings inner peace.

Tigers Eye: Enhances personal power and integrity and the ability to bring heaven to earth, brings order, stability, wealth, helps to release fear and anxiety, helps you make decisions with understanding with unclouded emotions. 

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